Opera GX Web Browser Updated To Address "Rate Limit" Problem On Twitter

 Opera today introduced an update for the Opera GX web browser on both desktop and mobile devices, simultaneously addressing the issue of limiting the display of Tweets, or "Rate Limit" for all Twitter users.

In addition, Opera GX also solves the problem involving Quote Tweet which is sometimes difficult to display due to technical problems.

Previously, Elon Musk stated that there are parties who aggressively download data from the service - and impose a Tweet view limit for each user, resulting in many reaching the "Rate Limit" in a short time. However, some developers say it is due to a JavaScript bug on Twitter's web that makes it look like a DDoS to the service itself, rather than the activity of a third party.

With this measure by Opera, for users who actively use and scroll Twitter, can download Opera GX, and use it in using the service, while avoiding reaching the "Rate Limit" as happens when using other web browsers.

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