Opinion : New Threads Will Not Have The Same Fate As Old Threads

 Threads is not a new name for social media services under Instagram. In 2019 they launched Threads as a competitor to Snapchat. However, it was not very popular and only lasted about two years before Instagram ended this service in 2021.

Now in 2023, Threads is reborn. Using the old name but a new concept and service that is an alternative to Twitter. The Meta game this time is seen to be more successful than before. Threads managed to hit 10 million users in less than a day, and the number went on to reach 100 million users in just 5 days. INi simultaneously made Threads an internet service that grew rapidly in a very short time. In comparison Twitter took up to 2 years to reach 1 million users.

In this article I will share my opinion and predictions that the new Threads will not have the same fate as the old Threads.

Bringing Instagram Users To Threads

What makes Threads interesting is that it brings users who are already active on Instagram directly to Threads without having to register a new account. Again those who know about Twitter but have never used it will find this platform that focuses on sharing text that is not in the form of Stories quite interesting to use.

Many also want to follow the hype and don't want to miss out because the use of Threads is trending. Not to forget, Threads also received positive feedback due to the various changes that took place under Elon Musk.

The migration of Twitter users to Threads also gives hope that this new platform will provide a more engaging, positive and bot-free user experience.

Neat, Concise And No Drowning

Threads is also a very simple platform. It's ad-free (for now), no bot users, no silly content spam and free of Elon Musk fanatics. As far as using these few weeks I have not seen any fake news content or anything toxic other than cursing Twitter and begging Threads and Adam Mosseri to fix Threads.

The interface of this text-focused social media platform is also simple. It looks neat and doesn't sag. Usage is like the comment section on Instagram, using interesting, easy-to-use animations, in addition to pictures and videos displayed in a neat carousel.

Threads also feel light and fast. But this is probably because it is still new and not yet loaded with many functions. For example an ad will be considered to be included if the user pattern shows that the target can reach 1 billion users.

IG Smudge Verification Brought To Threads

Like Twitter, Threads also offers blue smear verification. Interestingly it is included for Instagram account subscriptions. If the user has already received verification on Instagram or has subscribed to Meta Verified starting at RM36.99, then you will also see a blue check mark next to the name in Threads.

Even select users such as politicians, celebrities and Meta content creators can also facilitate followers and friends from Instagram directly to Threads. This at the same time facilitates the development of friends' graphs, without having to start from scratch again.

Easier to Create Threads

Twitter became popular because it is a micro-blogging platform that can create threads, but with a character limit of only 280 (for free users). Threads attract a lot of attention with a limit of up to 500. Compared to Twitter which can only share 4 pictures and videos, Threads can share up to 10 pictures and videos up to 5 minutes in length.

There is no difference in sharing limits for those currently subscribed to Meta Verified or free.

Creating threads is also quite easy. After writing something in the first thread in Threads, just press enter to start a new thread. On Twitter it's a bit sloppy, while this platform popularized the concept of sharing text in threads. Perhaps this facility itself makes the name Threads more accurate for the new application under this Meta.

Bright future

Threads also have a bright future. So far there are no plans to include Twitter-like subscriptions. On Twitter interesting functions and features that should be free, are no longer offered as before, but instead require a subscription to Twitter Blue. In fact, under the new management, various changes were made without considering various things. Most recently, Twitter rebranded to X, which was not well liked by many.

Since its introduction, Threads users have requested a chronological timeline feature specifically for the accounts they follow. Interestingly, starting this week, the feature has been introduced to the public - thus showing Threads to be one of the applications that care about user requests, compared to Twitter which is increasingly losing its identity. In addition, several other features such as web support, multi-accounts and so on are also planned for Threads.

If every feature and function that people want is integrated quickly and Meta is really serious about competing with Twitter, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of users could increase and Twitter might be forgotten like Facebook did to MySpace once upon a time.


Threads still has many shortcomings, but the number of active users that remain on the platform seems to be consistently publishing content and sharing. In fact, there are a number of users who are seen to be comfortable with sharing on Threads which is seen as a more positive community from giving feedback, compared to Twitter which is often labeled as less friendly, rude and "negative". With the introduction of Threads, the use of Twitter is also seen to decrease - not to mention the various changes by Elon Musk including changing the name and icon of the famous bird to "X".

Threads will also support fediverse for cross-platform support such as from Threads to Mastodon or vice versa with the username @threads.net. However, further information regarding this feature is still unknown for now. This initial target sharing step also shows Meta's openness in adapting open technology, and is not closed like other corporate companies usually are.

Based on the success of Threads, this Twitter competitor will most likely not repeat the fate of Threads in 2019 before, and is expected to be the next Meta app to hit the 1 billion user mark.

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