Photoguard Defends Photos From Being Manipulated By AI

 We live in the age of generative artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate fake images that look like real photos. It has already caused the issue of defamation and robbed privacy. Photoguard is software developed by researchers at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) that can defend photos from being manipulated by AI.

Pictures that you want to share online need to be entered into Photoguard first. It is then digitally "immunized" so that when fed into AI software, the resulting image will have various defects. According to the developers of Photoguard, images processed using their software will have noise that cannot be seen by the human eye.

But when processed by AI, this noise results in it not being able to identify what it is looking at. Therefore when trying to be a fake image, a defective image will be produced.

Developers say the Photoguard system can still be invoked if a more complex AI model is produced. But for now it is among the software that can be used to defend yourself from being a victim of slander using AI. For those who want to try Photoguard can be downloaded according to its GitHub page.

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