Russia Bans Civil Servants From Using Apple Devices To Avoid US Spying


We often hear stories of Chinese-made devices and software being banned because they allegedly have backdoors that allow Beijing to spy. DJI, Huawei and TikTok are three of the victims in the United States. In Russia the opposite is the case with civil servants banned from using Apple devices for work use.

Russia's FSB intelligence agency has accused Apple of helping Americans spy on devices belonging to Russian civil servants. The use of iPhones and iPads will be banned starting today. This device however can still be used for personal purposes.

The FSB had accused Apple of putting a backdoor to be hacked in early June, but Apple had denied it. With the Ukraine and Russia conflict still far from over, these technological barriers will continue. Some major manufacturers such as Apple and Samsung have already withdrawn from the Russian market after the economic sanctions imposed on the country since last year. But the device is still sold through unofficial importers.

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