Spelling Error Caused US Military Emails To Be Sent To Malian Email Addresses


Spelling mistakes or better known as typos are errors that are often shown anywhere, but usually it is not something that causes great distress.

However, in this situation it may be quite different where it has been reported that there are many typos shown by the United States military where emails that should end with the domain ending .mil end with the ending .ml.

Although these emails were not sent to any individual due to non-existent addresses, these sent emails were still received by the contractor who controls the .ml domain, which is a company based in the Netherlands.

It is seen as a serious issue because the emails sent sometimes contain confidential documents such as diplomatic documents, tax documents, passwords and also travel documents of senior officers in the armed forces.

Johannes Zuubier, an employee at the company that controls the .ml domain says that he has known about the issue since 2014 and has tried to get the attention of the US military about this, but it seems that he has been ignored.

The biggest issue right now is that the company that controls the .ml domain will soon transfer control of the domain to the Malian government, and this includes the emails stored by the company.

In short, it will cause the biggest data leak issue in the history of the United States military, and these various details will allow any individual with this data to easily build a network of information about important individuals in the United States military.

The US military is aware of this, and says that there is a high probability that this happened because the email was sent through a private address. This is because every email sent out using an official .MIL address needs to be filtered first before it is sent out.

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