The European Union Mandates the Use of Replaceable Batteries in Devices by 2027


With the advancement of modern technology, technology companies are seen to have developed their devices to be even more difficult to repair and change their components by users alone.

Recently, it has been reported that the European Union has made a major decision regarding compact electronic devices in the region. Starting in 2027, electronic devices are required to allow device batteries to be easily changed by device owners, and the batteries must be recycled to be used as new batteries and for various other purposes.

According to a statement released by the European Union, this is for economic and environmental sustainability in the European Union, and to reduce dependence on the purchase of rare earths from countries in other regions.

The European Union set the year 2027 for all electronic brands to implement the use of these replaceable batteries so that they have enough time to ensure that their devices do not have problems for use in the region.

In the meantime, companies are also required to notify the source of supply of raw materials for the batteries used to power their devices, but this law is exempted for small and medium-sized businesses.

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