A few days ago, after Elon Musk rebranded his social media platform Twitter as X, there was a Twitter account (at the time) that went by the username @X.
For so long, this account, owned by Gene X Hwang according to TechCrunch has finally been taken over by the company today, where they have replaced the @Twitter account with the @X account.
Looking at the timeline of the account, they didn't do any explanation about the takeover of the account, but now it appears that the original Twitter account has been locked, and is no longer being followed by anyone.
The owner of account X now has a less impressive account, but it seems he is resigned to losing it.
The concept of account transfer is also not something new. For company accounts, even the most popular is the account of the president of the United States who used to often use this service when they got a new or more desirable account name, and now all the previous @Twitter tweets have been transferred to @X.
Despite that, Elon Musk and his team at X now have to rebrand a number of services like Twitter Blue and Tweetdeck.