Devices under the Vivo V series are seen to receive a new update after an official promotional video published by Vivo Turkey went viral. In the 16-second video clip, it shows two different devices, one of which is believed to be the Vivo V29 Lite that was launched around June. Which comes with two camera bumps that accommodate the main tri-camera system.
Meanwhile there is another different device believed to be the Vivo V29 Pro which is seen borrowing the design of the previous Vivo S17. It is seen to have a dual-camera setup on the back with another circle believed to be a flashlight. This is combined with the Vivo branding at the bottom along with the power button and audio controls on the right side.
Apart from the details on the design, the video clip also shows that the phone is also available in a blue color option. No information about the hardware has been revealed for now, but both devices have been found to have passed various certification sites including SIRIM in Malaysia.