WhatsApp has now activated the WhatsApp Channels feature for users in Malaysia. Through it, it enables one-way communication from various agencies, brands, companies, media and so on - at the same time making it easier for the public to follow developments easily.
In Malaysia, several WhatsApp Channels are available to follow, including the Ministry of Health Malaysia, JomCheck, Sukanz, Cereka, and even himself.
With this step, various updates will be shared directly to the WhatsApp Channels section, and people can easily follow them. WhatsApp also stated that various updates will be available for a period of 30 days on WhatsApp servers, before disappearing.
There is no data about the followers of any WhatsApp Channels that can be accessed by the owner of the WhatsApp Channels. WhatsApp says they take privacy features seriously, and protect them for users.
Users only need to update the WhatsApp application, then go to the Updates section, and can follow your favorite WhatsApp Channels.
Don't forget to follow channel on WhatsApp Channels.