The movie Tetris premiered on Apple TV+ last March and revolves around the development of the leading video game in the 80s. Yesterday Apple and Tetris Company were sued because the movie screenplay was adapted from the book The Tetris Effect: The Game That Hypnotized the World without the author's permission.
The Tetris Effect is a book written by Dan Ackerman who is also the editor-in-chief of the technology site Gizmodo. According to Ackerman, he sent his sketchbook to the Tetris Company in 2016. The company then threatened to sue him if it was adapted into a film or TV series.
Due to the similarities between the screenplay of the film and the book, Ackerman is seeking damages of 8% of the $80 million it cost to make the Tetris movie. Apple and Tetris Company have not released an official statement about the lawsuit filed.