ChatGPT Developer May Be Sued by New York Times

 OpenAI may also face a lawsuit filed by The New York Times. According to an NPR report, the two companies are in discussions about using news published by the NYT in OpenAI's artificial intelligence (AI) models such as ChatGPT and GPT-4. But these discussions could not reach a consensus that would force the NYT to file a lawsuit as it concerns the use of their intellectual property.

The use of news articles written by the NYT in OpenAI's AI training is disadvantageous because the user does not need to visit the source site directly. Whenever a question is asked, the answer is provided by OpenAI using the original author of the original work. This is the same basis used by several book publishers to file a class action lawsuit against OpenAI earlier this year. OpenAI is accused of training AI without asking the permission of intellectual property holders.

This issue is not limited to OpenAI alone as generative AI developers such as Midjourney have also been sued for using artists' artwork without permission to train their models.

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