China Wants To Limit Phone Use For Youths Under 16 To Just One Hour A Day


Chinese authorities are now considering introducing a new rule, which would limit the use of phones by those aged 18 and under, to a maximum of 2 hours a day. This limit is based on age, where those under the age of 8 need to be limited to 40 minutes a day only.

With this move, it will reduce addiction to mobile devices among youth and children, including avoiding wasting time playing online games and watching videos.

To make this happen, smartphone manufacturers need to add a special mode called "Minor Mode", and activate it for those under 18 years of age. The parents need to manage and ensure that their children do not spend more time than the prescribed time.

Some additional rules are also expected to be introduced through this new rule later. Children under the age of 8 are only allowed a maximum of 40 minutes a day on smartphones.

For those under the age of 16, it is limited to just one hour a day. Only youth aged 16 and above are allowed to use for a maximum of 2 hours.

Children are also not allowed to use smartphones between 10pm and 6am. All service providers also need to take into account aspects, to avoid their services being fined or taken action by the authorities. Providers such as Tencent and Bytedance are expected to be affected by this.

For now, this new legislation is currently under discussion, and may be approved later.

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