Chinese Researchers Create Toilet Bowls That Are Dirt And Feces Resistant


The toilet bowl should be cleaned weekly to keep the surface white and looking clean. Although the porcelain material used is smooth, it is still not smooth enough to prevent dirt and feces. Researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology announced the success of creating a toilet bowl that is resistant to feces and dirt.

The toilet bowl is cleaned using a 3D printing technique using the new Abrasion-Resistant Super-Slippery Flush Toilet (ARSSFT) material. ARSSFT is very hydrophobic making it difficult for materials to adhere to its surface. In tests in the laboratory materials such as porridge, starch, honey and milk do not stick to the surface. Tests using synthetic faeces were also successfully passed without any dirt sticking even before the toilet was flushed.

ARSSFT maintains its level of smoothness even after being rubbed 1000 cycles with sandpaper and a knife. This is an extreme test if the toilet bowl is scrubbed with a toilet brush. At this time the inventor has no plans to produce a commercial product but hopes it can be realized to reduce water consumption.

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