Clip is a mouse that is worn on the finger

 The mouse has existed as a computer input device since 1963. Starting with a giant wheel that detects movement it was later replaced by a high-sensitivity laser system. However, both systems still require the mouse to be placed on a flat table to work. The Clip Mouse is the next evolution in mouse design as it fits directly onto the user's finger.

The clip is placed on the user's four main fingers and it has a physical button and a touch pad. It controls the movement of the arrow on the computer using a built-in gyroscope. Therefore it can be used even if there is no flat surface. According to the Clip Mouse's designers, this allows it to be used anywhere.

It supports all PC and Mac computer gesture controls as it operates using bluetooth tethering. The Clip Mouse battery can last up to 50 hours with it being recharged using a USB-C connection. This compact mouse is currently fundraising through a crowdfunding site and can be had for €59 (~RM298) apiece.

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