Desktop computers are now seen in a variety of attractive sizes. You can choose to build a large, medium and small sized computer, depending on your will and ability without compromising on performance.
Recently, Colorful, a graphics card maker brand from China has introduced a graphics card that we can say is among the smallest we have ever seen, the Colorful iGame RTX 4060 Ti Mini which has a length of less than 200mm.
This graphics card, as shown in its name, uses the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Ti processing chip as its base, with a fairly small circuit board size. In terms of specifications, this graphics card comes with GDDR6 memory offerings of 8GB and 16GB. In fact, it also appears to come with out-of-the-box overclocking capabilities, as high as 2580 MHz.
This graphics card is also cooled using only one cooling fan, but still uses 165W to ensure that the graphics needs of your games are guaranteed. It also comes with three DisplayPort plugs and one HDMI plug.
This graphics card fits in a Micro-ATX sized computer frame, but unfortunately it is too big for a Mini-ITX computer because the cooler is too wide.