Google Chrome Will Now Start Offering Security Updates Every Week

 Google Chrome is the most popular web browser in the world, and offers a new version update almost once a month. Anyway, with various issues involving security and safety, Chrome developers took a drastic step, and announced that they will start offering security updates on a weekly basis.

With this move, users of the Chrome web browser will receive security updates on a weekly basis, followed by updates to new versions of the web browser every four weeks.

This will simultaneously ensure that users remain protected from various security and safety problems, and ensure that users' web browsing is always safe.

Google will implement this weekly update starting from Chrome 116 which is scheduled for August 15, 2023. Given that there are several other web browsers such as Microsoft Edge and Opera that are also based on Chromium, it is not impossible that we will also see them receive security updates faster in the future – more or less like Google Chrome.

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