Russia's First Mission To The Moon Since 1976 Ends In Failure


The Moon will be the battleground of space technology for the next generation. Several aerospace superpowers want to build a footprint on the moon by making it the center for launching missions to Mars and then exploring the galaxy in the near future.

Russia launched their Luna-25 mission last August 10, which was the first time they wanted to return to the surface of the moon since 1976. Unfortunately, this mission was confirmed to have failed.

The Lunar-25 space probe crashed into the lunar surface last Saturday local time according to Roscosmos. It failed to reach its intended orbit before contact with the control center was completely lost, believed to have crashed. According to the original plan Luna-25 was supposed to land on the surface of the moon today.

This failure is certainly disappointing because Russia is racing with India to land the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft on the South Pole of the moon on August 23. Chandrayaan-3 is equipped with a landing system and also a rover that can explore and conduct scientific studies on the collected samples. Like Russia, India also experienced a setback after Chandrayaan-2 crashed in 2019.

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