Scientists Want To Use Barnacles To Find Where MH370 Crashed

 It has been more than 9 years since MH370 disappeared while traveling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. There are various theories about what happened on March 8, 2014 that resulted in the loss of 237 lives. Efforts to find him reached a dead end and have been stopped. Scientists from the University of South Florida (USF) now say the final location of MH370 may be traced using barnacles.

A year after the plane disappeared, some debris such as flaperons and window frames were found on Reunion Island. Dozens of sea urchins were found on its surface which confirmed that the plane had crashed into the sea. UFS scientists say barnacles produce a new layer on the shell every day that contains different ratios of oxygen isotopes.

In theory if the layer on the largest barnacle that makes it the oldest on the surface of the wreckage is studied, scientists can find the area where it started to grow. Using water, temperature and current movement data from 2014 scientists were able to narrow down the search area for the crashed plane.

MH370 is believed to have crashed in the South Indian Ocean with an area of 60,000 km². The process of finding the wreckage of the plane that must have been destroyed will become more and more difficult. The answer to the mystery of the disappearance of MH370 has not yet been unraveled. Is it possible that this barnacle analysis will be the key to solving it?

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