The new update of WhatsApp has allowed users in a group to report messages, as well as inappropriate content to administrators. Initially just in the development stage but the feature called Admin Review has started to be offered to selected users to try.
This introduction can be considered interesting because it not only gives administrators additional options to better manage a group. Even able to create a more harmonious group atmosphere, as well as close relationships among group members.
How does it work? After any inappropriate message is reported, the administrator will be able to track it in a special column on the information page of a group. The administrator can then take certain actions, whether it be deleting the reported message for all group members.
As another option, administrators can also remove involved individuals from groups. This Admin Review feature is also said to have an additional layer of security that naturally protects user privacy more. This feature is only available to selected WhatsApp Beta users for now before it is widely distributed in due course