What is TikTok? Social media apps? Video streaming? NPCs? or music streaming? All of these answers are correct because TikTok, which was launched five years ago, has changed a lot. In the United States, TikTok became a singing reality program platform by organizing the show Gimme the Mic.
TikTok users in the United States simply need to upload a 30-second singing audition video to the app with the hashtag #GIMMETHEMIC. The public will then vote for the best 30 contestants who will continue the competition to the semi-final stage where two contestants will have to sing together.
Once again voting will be done among TikTok users to find the 10 finalists. What makes Gimme the Mic unique is that all of this is done live through TikTok Live only and not through a TV show as usual. The winner in the United States will win a prize of 50,000 "Diamonds" and then represent the country against Gimme The Mic winners from other countries.