Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert Used To Ensure Sustainability In Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games Athlete Village

 The Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games is the first Asian Games to take advantage of cloud computing technology and Alibaba Cloud is responsible for everything from broadcasting to tournament operations. For such a large-scale event, it is important for any party to also emphasize the sustainability of the event. One of the components of the Alibaba Cloud service focusing on sustainability is Energy Expert which has been used throughout this tournament.

Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert helps to monitor and optimize energy production in addition to reducing carbon emissions and ensuring that the company's sustainability rating is adhered to. To date Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert has been used by 2,925 enterprises from 13 industries, with 30,200 managed connected devices, and on average contributes to 12% energy savings. In fact, this Energy Expert is also used by UEM Edgenta which is responsible for various infrastructures in Malaysia.

With experience through Energy Expert, Alibaba Cloud offers a solution that has been specially developed for the Hangzhou Asian Games. This is because any large-scale event, which involves the use of facilities or in terms of logistics, the production of goods, all of these will use a lot of energy, and produce goods that have the potential to contribute to global warming. In ensuring the sustainability of this tournament, Alibaba Cloud focuses on three main things, namely Low Carbon Shops, Low Carbon Products, and the Eco-Friendly Athlete Village.

These three things are interrelated, where low carbon products are offered in stores that also have a low energy consumption rate and there are activities that encourage users to earn reward points to redeem low carbon products. In the Yili store, they use more solar power in addition to installing energy-saving lights and air conditioners.

Among the low-carbon products that can be obtained at this store include this Hangzhou Asian Games souvenir that is produced from environmentally friendly sources such as rice husks, and manufactured in an environmentally friendly factory. Even the souvenir packaging also uses environmentally friendly materials. They also sell sets of Ping Pong rackets that are reproduced from Ping Pong balls.

For the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games, Alibaba Cloud Energy Expert is only used in the athletes' village, but it is a start in the sustainability of the event, and Alibaba Cloud hopes to bring this solution to other aspects of this prestigious tournament.

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