Dolby Atmos FlexConnect Launched To Ease Speaker Placement At Home


We've already tested several Dolby Atmos audio systems in the our lab. Each time this is done, the speaker needs to be placed in a certain position to ensure the audio is heard at the optimum setting. Dolby realizes that not all users have room for an audio system and therefore Dolby Atmos FlexConnect has been announced.

With Dolby Atmos FlexConnect, any wireless speaker can be paired to a TV and then placed wherever the user wants. FlexConnect will then perform the process of retuning the audio according to the position of the speakers and the size of the audio system space being used. This process is done automatically using software. After that the Dolby Atmos experience can be enjoyed more accurately regardless of speaker and room configuration.

At this time only TCL supports Dolby Atmos FlexConnect with their 2024 model TVs that can support up to two wireless speakers tethered using bluetooth. More manufacturers will support FlexConnect in the future.

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