The modern generation no longer writes long works because they grew up in the era of SMS and social media. As a result, the skill of writing long works is increasingly forgotten because it is rarely honed. When it is done, various mistakes begin to be made. Google Keyboard is currently testing a new feature that will prevent errors in grammar and spelling.
Proofread is a feature being tested on Google Keyboard Beta 13.4. It is an artificial intelligence that will check users' grammar and spelling with the ability to make changes using generative artificial intelligence (AI). To use Proofread an internet connection is required as the data needs to be sent to the AI which is not built into the computer.
It is an improvement to the grammar and spelling checking features currently supported on Google Keyboard. For those who have issues producing error-free work, Proofread is a very useful feature. There is no word on when this feature will be rolled out to everyone or just an internal test by Google.