Microsoft Considers Using Mini Nuclear Reactors As Data Center Power Sources

 Will Microsoft use nuclear power to generate their power needs in the future? The answer may be yes after Microsoft advertised a job for a Nuclear Technology Lead Program Manager on their site. Microsoft's ad says the appointed manager will lead the evaluation of the use of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and electric power micro reactors.

These SMRs and micro reactors will power the data centers that house the Microsoft Cloud and their artificial intelligence. In addition, the selected individual will produce a road map of how nuclear technology can be adapted so that it can be integrated, select technology partners and constantly evaluate the implications for the business.

Micro reactors have already been selected by NASA and the UK space agency for use in rockets and lunar bases. The technology is safe enough to produce a large amount of energy but with a small amount of fuel.

Nuclear power has a bad reputation after the Chernobyl and Fukushima incidents. But the fact is that it is a more "green" source of power than fossil fuels and the construction of hydro dams. The Malaysian government itself has just launched the National Nuclear Technology Policy 2030 last week.

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