PERHILITAN Uses Fenugreek to Prevent Malayan Tigers from Extinction

 At this point it is estimated that there are only 150 wild Malayan Tigers still alive in their habitat. Human activity specifically in the farming sector is one of the main contributors to the Malayan Tiger now being threatened with extinction. To prevent this from happening, the Department of Wildlife Protection and National Parks (PERHILITAN) is now starting an artificial insemination program at the National Wildlife Rescue Center (NWRC) located in Sungkai.

Even though this intelligent insemination program has been started, the efforts of PERHILITAN and NWRC have not yet shown success. In addition to this program, the government also redoubles its efforts against poachers through the Malaysian Tiger Task Force (MyTTF) and Community Rangers, which are made up of military veterans, police veterans, Orang Asli and local residents.

Here's another interesting bit of bad news about the danger of national symbol extinction this week. Just a few days ago, a study found that all 42 species of Rafflesia flowers were found to be threatened with extinction, with 25 of them being threatened with serious extinction due to human activity.

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