Sir Jony Ive And Sam Altman Want To Build "iPhone For AI"

 A few days ago we published a report that Sir Jony Ive, Sam Altman (founder of OpenAI) and Masayoshi Son (founder of Softbank) are developing a device specifically for artificial intelligence (AI). Now more information about their project is reported by The Financial Times.

The device to be produced aims to be an "iPhone for artificial intelligence". It will provide a more intuitive experience interacting with AI just as the first iPhone changed how we interact with the screen.

Sir Ive will be involved in the design of the device. Sam Altman will develop the necessary AI. Most important here is Masayoshi Son who will contribute funds with ARM (a subsidiary of Softbank) and will be involved in the production of the necessary chips.

The main obstacle of AI at this time is that it requires a data connection to work properly and takes a long time to process. There are efforts from Google and Qualcomm to develop AI built into devices. Qualcomm has already announced that Llama 2 by Meta can run directly on next-gen Qualcomm chips (probably Snapdragon 8 Gen 3).

Create a need for a dedicated device solely for artificial intelligence? Or when it is launched will this mystery device be a smartphone with a new operating system?

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