Solar Airship One Can Circle Earth Without Any Fossil Fuels


Humans are now increasingly aware of the impact of fuel consumption on the environment. Earth's summer temperature this year, for example, is the highest ever recorded since records began to be taken. The use of electric vehicles has not yet managed to make a big impact due to the extreme cost. This did not stop Euro Airship from showing off its Solar Airship One design which they claim can circumnavigate the earth without any fossil fuel.

The 151 meter long Solar Airship One is fully electric powered by 4,800 square meters of solar panels and a hydrogen energy cell system. It can circle the earth in 20 days with a maximum speed of around 82 km/h.

During the day solar power is used while at night the hydrogen produced through the electrolysis process is used. If all goes well, Solar Airship One will test fly around the world without refueling in 2026.

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