Sony Hacked – 6000 Files Containing Company Secrets Will Be Sold If Ransom Is Not Paid


Today, various reports have said that Sony's database has just been hacked.

Cyber Security Connect has reported that the hacker group has released a statement that they have hacked into Sony's database and have shown several screenshots showing the company's internal login page, PowerPoint presentation files, and a list of documents showing the 6000 files it currently owns. by the group.

What is interesting about this attack is that it has not been confirmed that this group used ransomware to steal the data. But they said directly that they will sell the stolen data, because of Sony's refusal to pay the group for the stolen data.

Even so, a date of September 28, 2024 has been set for Sony to pay to get the data back where if no money is received on or after that date, they are expected to sell or release the data to the public.

Another interesting thing about this threat group is that they are using the GDPR law to scare these companies into paying the data ransom. Technically, it is cheaper to pay these groups than to pay a lawsuit to the European Union for losing data to hacking groups before it becomes public.

So far, Sony has not given any statement about the hack attack.

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