This may be Malaysia's First Apple Store Design

 Malaysia's first Apple Store will open at The Exchange TRX next February according to leaked internal documents. Previously we reported the image of the Apple logo being tested at this Apple Store but the design and location are still being kept secret. Over the weekend, videos and aerial images of the TRX park design were shared on social media. It may also be the first time that the design of Malaysia's first Apple Store has been revealed to the public.

The original video was uploaded by YMG's official channel over a week ago. In this video, a structure with a white ziggurat-like roof can be clearly seen on the roof of The Exchange. There are several reasons why we think this is an Apple Store and not two other structures with circular roofs that are also in the same location.

First of all, Apple will choose a unique design for their first Apple Store in a country. The roof may take inspiration from the nasi lemak on the mengkuang roof. In India's first Apple Store that opened this year, the walls use stone with a traditional design in Mumbai.

The war structure with a round roof similar to the Steve Jobs Theater is in our opinion too small for an Apple Store. A second structure with the same roof is also connected to the roof section. others. The clearest sign these two structures aren't Apple Stores is that they already exist in the original mockup image of The Exchange shown over three years ago. This mystery will be fully resolved in February 2024.

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