Website Owners Can Block Content Used To Train Google's AI

 Artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPT and Google Bard are trained using open source big data. It also created a big issue for Open AI who developed ChatGPT due to their LLM issue being accused of using the author's work without compensating the intellectual property holder. Today Google introduced Google-Extended which allows site operators to prevent their content from being used to train Google's AI.

With this, the issue of page content being used without permission to train AI in the future can be avoided. More and more AI products were announced last week. Meta AI is a chatbot that can be controlled by voice. Microsoft on the other hand provides the CoPilot update on Windows 11 computers with generative AI capabilities.

Although it cannot be denied that it can help the process of completing the assignment, the issue of the work being used without compensation should be addressed immediately before it is too late.

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