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 The default search engine on Apple devices would have been different today had they bought Bing. According to a Bloomberg report, Microsoft once had a meeting with Apple to sell Bing to Apple. This is to replace Google as the default search engine.

Apple Google

A meeting was held between Microsoft representatives and Eddy Cue who is the head of the services business at Apple in 2020. Discussions were only held at an early stage with the two companies not pursuing the idea of selling Bing more seriously after that.

Google pays Apple billions of dollars to use Search as the default search engine. This is despite the fact that the two companies are fierce competitors in the technology industry.

The search engine landscape at this point is still dominated by Google Search with almost 92% of the market with Bing in second place with 3.02% followed by Yandex (1.49%) and Yahoo (1.17%). There has been a trend change among Gen Z who are now searching on TikTok lately but the short-term impact on Google is still low.

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