ASUS Introduces Several New Updates For ROG Ally Consoles


The ASUS ROG Ally gaming console is seen as one of the best-selling PC gaming consoles on the market right now. Its ability to support the Windows 11 operating system and various computer game warehouses along with extensive device support makes it a popular choice among gamers.

Recently, ASUS seems to have introduced a number of new updates for the game console including BIOS updates and also for the Armory Crate SE software which houses a number of important functions for the console.

Starting with the BIOS update, ASUS says that a new BIOS update will be available on October 12th, and is called BIOS update 330. This update is introduced for the purpose of stabilizing the entire console and will be introduced through the MyASUS software.

For the Armory Crate SE update, the ACSE v1.3.15 and MicroController Unit updates will introduce the device's controller and trigger calibration feature, along with an Anti Deadzone slider that is seen to ensure that the controller and trigger buttons don't have problems not detecting user input.

According to ASUS, these functions will be present through the Control Mode and Game Profile menus, where the MicroController Unit update can be updated through Armory Crate and not through MyASUS.

Other updates introduced include a fix where the lag time when using a third-party keyboard is reduced, and also an issue where the XG Mobile graphics card connection along with ASUS ROG Ally would automatically disconnect.

The ACSE v1.3.15 update has already been introduced, while the BIOS 330 update will be introduced on October 12.

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