DNB, TM And ZTE Perform World's First Test - 5G Data Transfer At 28Gbps Speed


Digital Nasional Berhad, Telekom Malaysia and ZTE have now announced a strategic collaboration, which will see them conduct the world's first 5G test with data transfer reaching 28Gbps – through mmWave technology on a standalone 5G core.

To make this happen, the infrastructure and expertise of Telekom Malaysia is used, along with mmWave technology by ZTE. This move is expected to position Malaysia as a leader in mmWave technology.

DNB also stated that the use of mmWave spectrum under them allows it to provide a 5.5G experience, as well as being the basis for 6G later. The use of DNB's spectrum together with TM's technology also opens up various opportunities in the enterprise arena - especially in the development of 5G private networks for industry as Petronas did recently.

With this new development, let's all look forward to what's next, and how Malaysia continues to lead the development of mmWave technology standards in the world.

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