Google Announces “Assistant With Bard” – Integrating Generative Features Into Google Assistant


Google is ready to steal the attention of many through Google Bard this year, which is a generation or generative support based on artificial intelligence, allowing it to respond and generate various texts and images easily through it.

At today's event, Google also announced another interesting integration, which is Assistant with Bard. This led to the integration of the Bard generation feature directly on Google Assistant.

This simultaneously makes it easier for you to ask various things, and at the same time helps you in completing some tasks quickly. Users can also take pictures, and have it generate text for social sharing. This feature can also help in daily planning – where it not only checks pending tasks but also helps you in generating a text or reply to facilitate daily affairs.

The introduction of this integration brings Google Assistant to the next level through Bard integration. Google says it will offer Assistant With Bard in the coming months.

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