Google Introduces New Rules To Reduce Spam Delivery Rates


Spam is a problem that cannot be solved by any internet service provider as it is one of the main vectors for malware attacks, and also consumes a lot of digital storage as it is sent to millions of users every day.

Recently, Google is reported to be introducing new rules for parties that issue mass emails to reduce the issue of spam and ensure that all emails sent to users are something that users want.

First, for all email senders who send more than 5000 emails a day, Google will require the use of the unsubscribe button in the email if at any time they no longer want to receive the email.

These email senders also need to verify their email address and show proof that they own the domain of their address, and that it is not a fake address. In the meantime, GMail will also not send emails from addresses found to be spam email addresses by users through the "Mark as spam" feature.

Google also said that Yahoo is also seen to make these changes to eradicate the spam problem, and these new rules are seen to be introduced around February 2024.

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