Google Is Developing "Repair Mode" For Android


Among the worries when sending a phone for repair is that personal data is taken without permission. At Apple user data will be deleted first before the device is repaired. At Samsung, Maintenance Mode was introduced this year which locks personal data from being accessed. Recently Google is seen to be developing Repair Mode for Android with this feature found in the AOSP code by Mishaal Rahman.

Repair Mode will operate the same as Maintenance Mode. When activated, the technician who repairs the Android phone will see the interface as if the device has just been reset. The user's personal data cannot be accessed directly by the technician.

Development of this mod is still ongoing with testing only being done on Pixel devices so far. With it being provided as a built-in Android in the future, all manufacturers can offer their own Repair Mode while increasing customer confidence about the security of their personal data.

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