Google Project Green Light Reduces Time Wasting at Traffic Lights Using AI

 Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to generate images, assist the writing process and perform faster detection of cancer cells. At Google, they are using AI to reduce stop times at traffic lights in major cities with the aim of reducing pollution.

Through tests that have been done, Project Green Light managed to reduce the time wasted stopping at traffic lights by up to 30%. With more vehicles moving, this also reduces air pollution at road intersections by up to 10%. Project Green Light's AI controls traffic lights based on daily vehicle usage data collected using Google Maps. With this, the traffic light switching time is optimized to reduce time wastage.

Proejct Greenlight is currently used in 12 cities namely Seatte, Rio de Janeiro, Manchester, Hamburg, Budapest, Haifa, Bangalore, Abu Dhabi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bali and Jakarta. Google welcomes applications from other cities interested in participating in the Project Green Light test.

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