MIT Develops Air-Guardian – AI Helps Pilots Control Planes

 Artificial intelligence (AI) is seen as capable of challenging careers that can be undertaken by humans. But in tasks such as piloting an airplane for example, many still do not really believe in the ability of AI to fly passenger planes safely. Researchers at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have announced an Air-Guardian AI designed to assist human pilots and not replace them.

Air Guardian will monitor the aircraft's systems, visuals in front of the aircraft and track the pilot's eyes at all times. It is proactive and not just activated when needed like the autopilot systems used on current commercial aircraft. It can provide directions if it detects danger and suggest shorter journeys. The Air Guardian does not take over the duties of the pilot but instead functions like a human co-pilot.

The main purpose of Air Guardian was developed to be a safety system in case the pilot loses concentration in the cockpit to the point of causing danger. In addition to being used in aircraft, Air Guardian can also be used as a security system in cars, drones and the field of robotics. The Air Guardian study was conducted by MIT with the assistance of the United States Air Force (USFA), Boeing and the US Office of Naval Research.

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