X Services May Be Discontinued In The European Union

Every day the number of active users of X (formerly Twitter) is decreasing. Recently Elon Musk is reportedly considering stopping the X service in European Union (EU) countries. This step was taken considering that the laws regarding the operation of social media platforms in Europe are very strict, especially in the dissemination of content mixed with hatred against certain races.

The Digital Services Act (DSA) bill empowers the EU to impose fines on platforms that do not remove content that violates the law. Since the beginning of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, hateful content has become increasingly visible on X. Since X fired the employees tasked with filtering this kind of content, it has become increasingly difficult to report it with immediate action.

If it is true that X will withdraw from the EU, it will surely be another nail in the coffin of a platform that is now seen as increasingly problematic. X's move to charge new users $1 a year yesterday also drew negative reactions. With no clear direction and plummeting advertising volume, will X eventually die out like other social media platforms like MySpace and Friendster?

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