Apple Music Replay 2023 Now Accessible

 The end of the year is here again and we are approaching 2024. Every year various services will offer a feature to look back on the activities of the whole year and Apple Music is the earliest to offer Replay 2023 this year. Through Replay, Apple Music subscribers can see the most played songs, artists, albums, and genres.

In addition, the amount of time spent in the application is also displayed like this year. This Spotify Wrap-like feature can be accessed by users by going to the Listen Now tab. Then scroll down to the special Replay 2023 button. Users will then be taken to a special website displaying their Apple Music statistics for the year.

There is still no Replay access directly from within the application as offered by Spotify. Maybe this will be present next year as well. What was your most played song and total time using Apple Music this year?

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