Apple Wants to Use Self-Designed Screens, Batteries, and Camera Sensors

 Apple already uses its own chips in all their products. Apple Silicon's ability to replace Intel chips is perhaps the most proud achievement because it offers high performance better than what Intel is able to offer. According to a Bloomberg report, next Apple wants to further improve the components on the device designed by them.

The first is the development of a self-designed MicroLED screen. At this time Samsung output panels are used. The first product to be equipped with a self-designed MicroLED screen is the Apple Watch before it is used on all their products in stages. Efforts to develop their own screens have been carried out for the past five years but have not shown any results.

Next is developing a sensor to detect glucose (sugar) in the blood also for the Apple Watch. We have previously reported this technology patent and it will most likely be introduced on the Apple Watch X next year. No smart watch on the market right now has the ability to detect blood glucose levels without a finger being pricked.

The development of its own camera sensor is also underway but information about Apple's efforts is still sketchy. It is believed that the camera sensor is developed not only for smartphones but also for future photography and headset needs.

Finally, Apple also wants to produce its own battery completely. Like the development of camera sensors, the development of self-contained battery technology is also still in its infancy.

Not many manufacturers are able to fully use their own design technology. Samsung is a small number of manufacturers that use their own screens, batteries, modems, storage, RAM, SOC, batteries and sensors. By using own technology, the cost of producing devices can be reduced while increasing profits.

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