Foxconn Also Focuses on Aerospace Arena – Launches Two New LEO Satellites


Foxconn is a familiar name in device manufacturing – and is already well-known as the manufacturer for the iPhone. The giant company is seen diversifying their business forms recently.

After coming up with the ability to produce electric vehicles, Foxconn is also now venturing into the aerospace arena. Most recently, they have launched two self-developed LEO (Low-Earth Orbit) satellites.

Foxconn is seen as wanting to develop satellites for companies as well as the government. This is at once different from several other companies that also focus on the same arena for various purposes, including satellite-based communications. The launched satellite is said to weigh 9 kilograms, and includes capabilities such as cameras, communication support and several other equipment along with it.

With these new developments, it will be interesting to see the next competition in aerospace, which will help in many fields, including science.

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