Google And Samsung Develop IAMF For Spatial 3D Audio


There are various spatial 3D audio formats used on audio equipment from different manufacturers. As a result not all audio hardware supports certain formats due to license constraints. Google and Samsung have worked together to develop the Immersive Audio Model and Formats (IAMF) which is expected to solve this problem in the future.

IAMF has already been adapted by the Alliance for Open Media in October this year as an open source spatial audio format. Through IAMF there is vertical information for an immersive audio experience, the ability to personalize audio and artificial intelligence that analyzes the audio track before making sure the sound produced on the speakers is the same as the original composition.

This personalization feature for example allows viewers to choose to watch a football match that focuses on the commentator's voice or changed to focus on the sound inside the stadium. Google and Samsung say IAMF will enable spatial audio to be heard as it should be on a TV, soundbar, headphones, earphones or smartphone regardless of the hardware used.

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