Google Drive Users Report Files Missing Suddenly


Google Drive is one of the best cloud storage services on the market. Among the many cloud services available in the market, Google Drive is my choice because it is friendly with all devices on various platforms. Recently, many users reported a serious issue where most of the uploaded work files disappeared suddenly.

This issue is seen to have taken users across the past because the missing files are files that were uploaded after May 2023. Even the history of user activity after May also does not have any records despite having confirmed with Google representatives that all files have been successfully backed up and synced to all devices.

Based on a user-proposed report via Google's official forum, this issue only applies to those using Google Drive for Desktop on Windows devices. Those who use the app on smartphones and the web are not affected.

For now, Google is still investigating the ongoing issue and the respective files have still not been successfully saved. A temporary workaround for Google Drive for Desktop users is to not make any changes to the main space (root) of Google Drive.

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