Google Experiments With Social Search Through "Notes" Feature


Google today announced their latest experiment on the search page under Search Labs, called Notes. Through it, it brings a function similar to social search to Google - where people can share the knowledge and info they collect with others.

Under this new experiment, users will be displayed with the option to add notes below the search results, or also see other users' notes. With this step, in addition to additional information, users can also see the views of the public regarding a certain web page - at the same time, it makes it easier for users to get a context shared by the web page.

The way Notes are displayed is also similar to a number of other social sites, making it easy for you to see various shares quickly. For sharing purposes, it brings an interface similar to creating Stories on social pages - where you can change the display of text, add stickers or pictures before sharing.

Google also stated that they also added a special algorithm to Notes that ensures safe information is shared through it.

For now, Google is testing Notes in the United States, as well as in India. It is not yet known when this feature will be extended to users worldwide.

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