Google Introduces a New Feature on Waze - Gives a Warning If the Road You're Traveling on Has an Accident


Google today announced a new feature for their Waze navigation application, which is a reminder if the road you are on has been in an accident. With this measure, this safety feature is expected to continue to make road users more careful when passing through a road.

Waze states, Waze users report an accident almost every two seconds. Waze uses AI integration along with the history of accident reports made by the community in providing alerts.

Apart from the route, it will also take into account the level of traffic, weather and so on in providing warnings to users.

Waze says, they will display this warning on the route that a user will take. However, if the route is a daily route or frequently traveled by a driver, then the warning will be minimized or may not be shown.

This new feature is being rolled out gradually to all users worldwide.

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