The iQOO 12 was launched in China as the second device with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip. As a flagship device, many are definitely looking forward to its launch in Malaysia later. This morning came the good news where iQOO confirmed that the iQOO 12 will receive updates of three versions of the Android operating system and security patches for four years.
Although still not comparable to the seven years offered by the Pixel or the 4+5 years on Samsung devices, it is the right move by iQOO to provide long-term support. Turu confirmed that FuntouchOS 14 on iQOO 12 will reduce the number of fat applications. No more installed Hot Apps and Hot Games folders like on their previous devices.
iQOO 12 will definitely be sold in Malaysia because it has passed the SIRIM database recently. With flagship specs and fast charging, it could be one of the exciting devices of the year when it launches.