NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 Enters The List Of Products That Can't Be Sold In The Chinese Market

 A few weeks ago, we reported that the United States government has updated the list of technology products that are now banned from being sold to Chinese companies, which includes a large number of NVIDIA's artificial intelligence products.

Among these products, it is seen that NVIDIA's most powerful gaming graphics card, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 is one of the banned products, and it has caused panic buying in China. Recently, NVIDIA seems to have confirmed the matter itself, and the product can no longer be sold in China starting November 17.

The update to this ban includes the immediate cessation of sales of computer component products that can advance artificial intelligence technology and components that have a processing power of 4800 TOPS and above.

Where products such as the NVIDIA A100, A800, H100, H800, and L40S that are specially developed for artificial intelligence are subject to immediate restrictions, NVIDIA is given until November 17 to stop the sale of these graphics cards in the market.

It is not known whether such graphics cards can be used to power artificial intelligence server machines, but the US government seems paranoid in preventing any powerful products by technology companies such as NVIDIA, Intel and AMD from being sold in the market.

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