Recycled Plastic Found Toxic And Unsafe To Use

 In the 90s I loved watching the animated series Captain Planet. The government introduced a recycling campaign for aluminum and plastic cans which is said to help reduce pollution. With no wasted materials, a more sustainable world is promised by various recycling campaigns. But scientists from the University of Gothenburg released a study that says recycled plastic is unsafe to use.

Through the analysis of recycled plastic pallets from Asia, Africa. South America and Eastern Europe, they found it contaminated by chemicals, the majority of which are toxic to humans. The most common chemicals found are pesticides, followed by pharmaceuticals. with this being produced during the process of producing plastic as well as when it is being recycled

Researchers also say there is no strict monitoring of recycled plastics at the international level. As a result of this actually toxic recycled plastic may be used in products such as food storage containers or children's toys. They suggest that a stricter monitoring body be established to ensure that only safe plastics are used.

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