The Samsung Galaxy S24 series will be launched next January. Some leaked rumors say that the design of the device will remain the same as the Galaxy S23 series. These rumors may be true based on the actual Galaxy S24 Ultra image that was leaked via @DavidMa0536849's account yesterday.
At first glance, there seems to be no difference at all, but we can see that the Galaxy S24 Ultra's screen is flat. No more small curves on both sides like on the Galaxy S23 Ultra. That's the only noticeable difference. Because the screen isn't activated, it's hard to confirm the bezels on this new device are even thinner.
The Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra will reportedly use a Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip and have artificial intelligence (AI) support available Samsung Gauss. The Galaxy S24 series will be Samsung's first device marketed as their AI device. Competition is getting tougher for Samsung because iQOO 12 Pro and Xiaomi 14 have already been launched with the same capabilities.
Éste es el nuevo #S24 Ultra sin pantalla curva
— David Martin (@DavidMa05368498) November 16, 2023